This Ones For The Ladies...
“Why did Chad invited me to like the ‘Dick Diet’? I’m don’t have a penis.”, said the wife of a close friend of mine. The two of them had recently gotten off of work and were at home making dinner.
“Because I am your husband and I have a penis. The very penis that gave us both two beautiful children. This diet and lifestyle regiment directly affects my health and our mutual pleasure in the bedroom”, replied my friend to his bemused wife.
As my buddy relayed this conversation that he had with his partner of 12 years, he seemed mildly frustrated and bewildered. As I listened intently, it occurred to me that my outreach and vernacular on The Dick Diet blog and social media, may have mis-lead people into believing that the nutrition and lifestyle information that I share is exclusively for men. I often over-use the word “boners” and I look for every chance to use humorous and affectionate slang for male genitalia. I write about increasing testosterone production, looking good naked, mind-blowing sex, hormone optimizing and the art of manliness. In all fairness, I can see why someone might think that this platform, and soon-to-be book, is written exclusively for men.
The truth is that The Dick Diet is not just for men, but it is designed for anyone with a penis: owned, borrowed or rented. The information I share is designed to be helpful for any romantic partner who wants their husband/boyfriend/fluffer/lover/toy/slave to have better stronger erections and more fulfillment in the bedroom. It is for both owner and operator… of a penis.
So who exactly benefits from The Dick Diet?
-The Dick Diet is for anyone who wants to increase their own libido and sexual appetite, or that of a loved one.
-The Dick Diet is for any couple who is trying to get pregnant and wants to increase their chances of gestation as well as ensure stronger healthier future offspring. By cleaning up your diet and including the right foods you increase sperm quantity and quality (heathy babies start with a healthy seed).
-The Dick Diet is for anyone who’s partner is suffering from Andropause and/or hypergonadism. Hypergonadism, or androgen deficiency, is the condition in which the testicles do not produce the proper amount of testosterone, and, as a result, clinical symptoms of testosterone deficiency develop: low sex drive (libido), decreased erectile function, loss of muscle mass, decreased bone mass(osteoporosis), mood changes, depression, increased body fat, and fatigue.
-The Dick Diet is for anyone you know and love who has a penis, whom you want to feel and look their best into their senior years and make the most of their short time on earth.
What I desire is that the health information I share lend itself to happier more fulfilled lives. I want men to wake up feeling energized and motivated to achieve greatness, follow their dreams and have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
Cheers to better boners!